Weekend Mixer

The mixer is the best way for LGBTQIA+ players and their friends to get involved with Team Portland Tennis. Join us most Sundays.

We reserve three courts where people of differing skill levels play with and against each other. The doubles format consists of 1 set with 8 games played with no ad. The option to play singles depends on court availability and player turnout.

Please sign up to participate.

Currently there is no dedicated weekly instruction for beginners. Contact the TPTA to find out the available options if you would like to take lessons, either as part of a group or in private.

Who      NTRP Levels: 3.0 and higher
When    Sundays from 9:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where   Portland Tennis & Education
               7519 N Burlington Ave
               Portland OR 97203
               (503) 823 - 3629
Fee        $15


4.0+ Advanced Level Play

A group of NTRP level 4.0 - 5.0 players who prefer to play against others of a similar skill level arranges matches for both singles and doubles play outside of the organized mixers. Match locations vary, but most players meet at Portland Tennis Center. Please contact us if you would like to participate or additional information. 

Tournament Team Tennis

Apart from the Sunday mixer there are also team practice sessions for those who want to prepare for the Northwest and Pacific Cups.

USTA Team Tennis

Some TPTA members play on predominantly LGBTQIA+ USTA teams organized outside of the TPTA.